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Advantage Educational Programs COVID-19 Preparedness Plan


  • Parents or Guardians should routinely monitor their student’s health by using temperature checks and checking for symptoms of COVID-19.  Please DO NOT send your child to class if they are exhibiting any symptoms of infection.


  • Parking at schools is limited to designated areas.  Please do not park in restricted areas


  • If an instructor presents any symptoms of illness or indicates possible exposure to COVID-19, he/she will not teach the class.  They will be replaced by another instructor from our team.


  • Due to new health and safety guidelines implemented for the Advantage In-School ACT Prep Course, parents and students should be aware of the importance of students arriving on time for class.  Due to these guidelines, an enrolled student arriving late for class will not be permitted to enter the classroom after the class begins.  Once the class has begun, the classroom door will be closed and locked.  Students are highly encouraged to arrive early to give themselves time for the mandatory wellness check. 


  • Only students who are on the official class roster will be permitted in a classroom.  Students wanting to attend class for a “make-up” session will not be allowed into the classroom.  They should be advised to access the Online ACT Prep Course.


  • Class size will be limited to approximately 25% of normal size capacity: approximately 9 students for a regular-sized classroom and 24 students for a lecture hall setting.


  • All students will be encouraged to report illness and/or exposure to ensure the safety of all participants.


  • Instructors will meet each student at the front door and administer a non-contact forehead thermometer check.  Each student will be asked if they have had any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, chills, coughing, loss of smell, or sore throat.  They will also be asked about any known COVID-19 exposure.  Students waiting in line will maintain “social distancing” of at least 6 feet from their fellow students.


  • A student that replies “yes” to any of the above questions or displays a fever of over 100 degrees will not be admitted into the classroom and a parent or guardian will be notified to come and pickup their child as quickly as possible.


  • Students who become ill during the class, will be separated from activity and a parent or guardian will be notified to pick up their child as quickly as possible.


  • If a student is unable to attend the class, he/she will be able to make-up the class by accessing the Online ACT Prep Course.


  • If a student must undergo self-quarantine at some point during the course, they will be able to continue their ACT preparation by accessing the Online ACT Prep Course.


  • Classrooms will be sterilized and disinfected before and after the students arrive and depart.


  • Students are advised to bring their own tissues and hand sanitizer to class.  Teachers will have paper towels, tissues, and hand sanitizer available for students who forget these items.


  • ACT Student Workbooks will be placed on each desk prior to the beginning of class or picked-up by students as they enter the classroom.


  • Students need to bring the workbook they are given to each of the four weekly classes.  Other items they need to bring are sharpened pencils, pens (optional), paper for taking notes, a calculator, and a small 3-ring binder or folder to hold their workbook papers.  


  • “Social Distancing” will be enforced at all times and students will be separated from each other by a minimum distance of 6 feet.   Student desks will be pre-arranged and the moving of desks by students will be prohibited.  Students are encouraged to sit in the same desk for all four ACT prep classes.


  • All student desks will face in the same direction to reduce transmission of infection.


  • All students will be required to wear a cloth face covering or mask when feasible, and avoid touching their faces.  The instructors will also wear face masks except during their lecture.


  • Students will be instructed to use proper hygiene technics to prevent the spread of germs.


  • Class attendance will be taken orally by the instructor at the beginning of class and attendance sheets will NOT be passed around the room.  Students will be advised not to pass papers or share any personal materials with other classmates.


  • If it becomes necessary to supply a student with an item they may have forgotten, it will be sterilized beforehand.


  • Parents will not be able to observe the class.


  • Students will be encouraged to have their own plastic or unbreakable water bottle.  They will not be allowed to share their water bottle with others.  Use of the water fountain will not be allowed, however, water bottle filling stations may be available.  Students should avoid contact with the fountain equipment.


  • There will be a 10-minute break during the class. Students will be instructed to remain at their desks or visit the restrooms alone or in pairs, while observing proper “social distancing”.


  • Students will NOT be required to ask permission to visit the restroom, but they should go alone if instruction is on-going.


  • At the conclusion of class, students should maintain “social distancing” while they exit the classroom and building.  Loitering in the hallways will not be allowed at any time.


  • Students are asked to leave the school grounds as quickly and safely as possible.


  • Parents and/or Guardians should understand that by having their child attend the ACT prep classes, they are agreeing to adhere to the above requirements.









As a parent or guardian of a child attending Advantage Educational Programs’ In-School ACT Preparatory Course, I understand that this activity is completely voluntary.  I recognize and understand that these activities involve inherent risks, including, but not limited to, the risk of contracting COVID-19, the risk of physical injury, the risk of death, and the risk of property loss or damage.  I also understand that these risks will exist despite careful planning and adequate supervision. 


Knowing the inherent risks and dangers involved, I voluntarily assume those risks and grant permission for my child to participate in this activity.  I waive, release, and forever discharge the School District, Advantage Educational Programs, and its current and former board members, officers, directors, employees, agents, insurers, and independent contractors from any and all liability, actions, claims, and demands for personal injury, sickness, death, and property loss or damage arising out of or relating to my child’s participation in this activity. 


By receiving this e-mail notification from Advantage Educational Programs and by having my child attend the in-school ACT prep classes, I further waive any right to bring any claim, demand, legal action, or cause of action against the School District, Advantage Educational Programs, and their board members, officers, directors, employees, agents, insurers, or independent contractors, unless they engage in gross negligence or willful misconduct that directly causes harm to my child. 

 © 2024 Advantage Educational Programs

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